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Hank Gerba

Bachelor of Arts, Reed College, 2016
Graduation Year
Dissertation Title
(Anti-)Aliasing: A Media Philosophical Investigation into Subjectivation

Hank Gerba (they/them) is a PhD candidate in the Film & Media Program at Stanford's Art and Art History Department. Specializing in computational media theory, Hank is interested in the politics and dynamics of life lived alongside, through, and against ubiquitous computation. Their dissertation uses the phenomenon of "aliasing" to construct a media theoretical account of subjectivation which relies upon, converses with, and extends a number of conversations within media studies and related disciplines.

Hank's work has been published in Media-N, Real Life, and is forthcoming in Social Text. A portion of their dissertation received the SCMS 2021 Film Philosophy SIG Graduate Student Award. They run the Digital Aesthetics Workshop at the Stanford Humanities Center, and are secretary to the SCMS Philosophy and Theory SIG. 

Apart from academic work, Hank produced the Emmy-nominated VR short "Wonder Buffalo: The VR Experience," consults with entertainment professionals on the intersection of AI and narrative, and was writer and operator of Sophia the Robot.  



Research Interests

Field of Interest
Media Philosophy, Media Studies