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Honors in Art Practice

Program Overview

The Department of Art & Art History honors program is open to Art Practice Majors. 

The purpose of the honors thesis exhibition is to extend and deepen artwork students have done in Art Practice classes. The thesis exhibition is not an exploration of an area that the student has never studied before. The topic should have focus and clear parameters. It is expected that students have a solid background in their field of study prior to applying to the honors program. Exposure to a wide range of courses and familiarity with faculty will benefit you in this process.

Director of Honors Program: Jonathan Calm

Student Services Specialist: Leah Lopez


  • Review the Art Practice Honors Guidelines and Overview.
  • Discuss your project with and receive approval from a faculty member as a thesis advisor.
  • Complete at least five Art Practice courses at Stanford by the end of their junior year. Four must be completed by the end of winter quarter junior year.

Getting Started

  • Submit an AP Honors Intent Form with a faculty advisor’s signature by Friday, February 28, 2025.
  • Work with the faculty advisor and graduate mentor to develop a proposal.
  • Submit the artwork samples and artwork description to SlideRoom and an unofficial transcript and honors thesis exhibition project proposal to the Student Services Specialist by Friday, April 11, 2025.

Honors Program Requirements

  • Throughout their senior year, students will register for 6 units of ARTSTUDI 297 Honors Thesis Exhibition and 4 units of ARTSTUDI 297S AP HONORS SEMINAR, for a total of 10 units. Students will enroll in 2 units of ARTSTUDI 297 and 1-2 units of ARTSTUDI 297S each quarter (Autumn, Winter, and Spring). Up to 4 units may count towards one of the six upper level courses required for the major.
  • Solo exhibition on campus with accompanying thesis paper, 3-5 pages in length.
  • Participate in Open Studios every quarter while in the Honors Program.
  • Apply for a grant or exhibition outside of Stanford, with your advisor's guidance.
  • Attend Art Practice Visiting Lecture Series events.

Junior Year

February 28

Intent Form Due

April 11

Honors Thesis Exhibition Proposal, Artwork, and Study Plan Due

*See Art Practice Honors Guidelines and Overview for more information


Student notified of acceptance into the Honors Program    


Meet with Director of the Art Practice Honors Program and thesis advisor to discuss thesis and summer research plans