Undergraduate Forms
Student Services Specialist - Leah Lopez | leahml [at] (leahml[at]stanford[dot]edu)
Department Chair - Pavle Levi | plevi [at] (plevi[at]stanford[dot]edu)
Art History Concentration
The Art History Concentration form is filled out by Art History majors and approved by their major advisor. Concentration forms must be submitted to the Student Services Specialist no later than winter quarter of junior year.
Art History Minor Course of Study
The Art History Minor Course of Study form is filled out by Art History minors and approved by their minor advisor. Course of Study forms should be submitted to the Student Services Specialist within a quarter of the declaration of the minor.
Course Petition
The Course Petition form is used by declared majors or minors to request that a particular major or minor requirement is waived, or to request that a course not listed in the Bulletin as satisfying a major or minor requirement may be used instead of a listed course. Course petitions must be approved either by the student's faculty advisor or the Department Chair. Completed forms should be sent to the Student Services Specialist.
Faculty Advisor
The Faculty Advisor form is filled out by students declaring a major or minor in the Department of Art & Art History. This form indicates a faculty member's agreement to serve as major or minor advisor. Adjunct faculty and visiting lecturers may not serve as advisors. For a full list of potential advisors, use the Faculty page and filter for "Faculty" in whichever area you are declaring. Students submitting this form should have already met with the Student Services Specialist to review program requirements. Students should send a completed form to the Student Services Specialist. Upon receipt of a completed form, the Student Services Specialist will approve the pending major or minor declaration in Axess.
Film & Media Studies Concentration
The Film & Media Studies Concentration form is filled out by Film & Media Studies majors and approved by their major advisor. Concentration forms must be submitted to the Student Services Specialist no later than winter quarter of junior year.
Film & Media Studies Minor Course of Study
The Film & Media Studies Minor Course of Study form is filled out by Film & Media Studies minors and approved by their minor advisor. Course of Study forms should be submitted to the Student Services Specialist within a quarter of the declaration of the minor.
Independent Study
The steps to enroll in Independent Study are as follows:
- Student + Supervising Faculty - Complete the Independent Study Form
- Obtain Studio Manager approval (if applicable)
- For departmental review, email the completed form to the Student Services Specialist and CC the Department Chair. Completed forms are due by 4PM Friday on the second week of the quarter.
- Once the independent study is approved, the Student Services Specialist will issue the student a Permission Number, which allows the student to enroll in the course in Axess.
Additional policies to keep in mind:
- Lecturers cannot sponsor independent study.
- Due dates and consequences for work not completed should be in writing.
- Art Practice:
- Students can complete independent study supervised by faculty with whom they have previously taken a course.
- For Independent Study to count as an upper-level Art Practice elective, it must be taken for at least 4 units.
Transfer Credit Petition
Use the transfer credit petition to apply transfer courses to your Major/Minor. Work with the Director of Undergraduate Studies to get any applicable transfer work approved. Completed forms should be sent to the Student Services Specialist.
If you have been offered an unpaid internship, consider applying to BEAM Fellows, a stipend program that provides funding for Stanford undergraduate students who are participating in qualifying unpaid internships, externships, or short-term projects during Winter, Spring, and Summer quarters. Undergraduate students with good academic standing and an offer for an internship, externship or short-term project are eligible to apply.
If you are interested in getting credits for an internship, please fill out one of the forms below and reach out to our student services specialist for additional instructions. If you decide to enroll in an internship for units, you will need to have a full-time faculty supervisor oversee your internship. This, in addition to a internship supervisor at the organization.
Film & Media Studies
Contract - Non-summer
Contract - Summer
Student Evaluation
Supervisor Evaluation
Art Practice
Contract - Non-summer
Contract - Summer
Student Evaluation
Supervisor Evaluation
Art History
Contract - Non-summer
Contract - Summer
Student Evaluation
Supervisor Evaluation