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Documentary Film Spaces

Group Edit Room

Rm. 012, Friends of the McMurtry's Group Edit Room

Documentary Film Editing Alley, McMurtry Building

Editing Alley

Rms. 014A-Q, Editing Alley, Graduate Student Edit Rooms

Documentary Film Equipment Checkout, McMurtry Building

Equipment Checkout

Rm. 015, Equipment Checkout

Documentary Film Green Screen Room, McMurtry Building

Green Screen Room

Rm. 018, Melissa & Tim Draper Green Screen Room

Documentary Film Recording Studio Control Room, McMurtry Building

Recording Studio

Rms. 020/021, Robert A. Major, Jr. Recording Studio and Control Booth

Documentary Film Screening Room 115, McMurtry Building

Screening Room

Rm. 115, Lisa and Stephen Lebovitz Screening Room

The Screening Room is reserved exclusively for department-taught classes and use by our MFA students in Documentary Film. It is not reservable for outside events.