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Margot Fassler: Architectural Imagining: Hildegard's Edifice of Salvation

Mon February 19th 2024, 5:30pm
Event Sponsor
Department of Art & Art History
McMurtry Building
355 Roth Way, Stanford, CA 94305

Global Approaches to Sacred Space Workshop Series 2023-2024

Margot Fassler: Architectural Imagining: Hildegard's Edifice of Salvation 

Monday, February 19, 5:30 PM PST, in-person at McMurtry 370 and on Zoom

Zoom registration:

Hildegard's Illuminated Scivias, her first major theological treatise, was copied in her scriptorium on the Rupertsberg several times. One of the copies was supplied with a series of paintings that she designed for the work. The treatise comprises three books, and the third of these is based on her description of the Edifice of Salvation, paintings of which were included. After Hildegard explained the whole, her artworks zoom in to every aspect of her imagined pilgrimage site.The journey possible within the edifice works on three levels: the cosmic, the historical, and the personal or individual. It also provides an imagined setting for Hildegard's liturgical play, the Ordo Virtutum. Fassler is the Keough-Hesburgh Professor Emerita of Music History and Liturgy at the University of Notre Dame and Robert Tangeman Professor Emerita of Music History at Yale University.

Global Approaches to Sacred Space is generously funded as part of the SGS Global Research Workshop series with further support from The Ho Center for Buddhist Studies, the Department of Religious Studies, the Department of History, the Department of Classics, the Department of Art and Art History, the Center for Medieval and Early Modern Studies, The Sohaib and Sara Abbasi Program in Islamic Studies, and the Center for Spatial and Textual Analysis. Co-organized by Bissera V. Pentcheva, Maria Shevelkina, Emilia Cottignoli, & Maria Terss.

VISITOR INFORMATION: This event will be held in Room 370 located in the McMurtry Building on Stanford campus at 355 Roth Way. Visitor parking is free all day on weekends and after 4 pm on weekdays, except by the Oval. Alternatively, take the Caltrain to Palo Alto Transit Center and hop on the free Stanford Marguerite Shuttle. If you need a disability-related accommodation or wheelchair access information, please contact Maria Shevelkina at mashev [at] This event is free and is open to Stanford affiliates & the general public.