Michael Marrinan
Michael Marrinan has taught at Stanford since 1989, after teaching nine years at Columbia University in New York. HIs principal area of research is the art and culture of France from the 18th to the 20th century. He has written books on the political meaning of history painting (Painting Politics for Louis-Philippe, 1988), and the visual culture of nineteenth-century Paris (Romantic Paris, 2009). He has just completed a book on the French painter Gustave Caillebotte. His secondary interests include how knowledge in general is presented in visual form (The Culture of Diagram, written with John Bender, 2010). In 2007 he co-directed a year-long seminar at Stanford sponsored by the Mellon Foundation called "Visualizing Knowledge : From Alberti's Window to Visual Arrays". He has also co-edited volumes on description in the 18th century (Regimes of Description, 2005) and the digital legacy of Walter Benjamin's Kunstwerk essay (Mapping Benjamin, 2003). He was a Guggenheim Fellow in 1989 and a Senior Fellow at the Getty Research Institute in 2011.