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Karla Oeler

Associate Professor
Karla Oeler

Karla Oeler teaches in the Film and Media Studies Program.  Her research and teaching interests are film history, theory and criticism, with emphases including the theory and practice of Sergei Eisenstein, cinematic representations of violence and thinking, and the relations between film aesthetics, literature, theory and philosophy. She is the author of A Grammar of Murder:  Violent Scenes and Film Form (University of Chicago Press, 2009).  Her work has appeared in numerous forums including Cinema Journal, The Journal of Visual Culture, and Slavic Review on a range of topics including works by Fyodor Dostoevsky, Jean-Luc Godard, Sergei Parajanov, and Jean Renoir.  She is currently writing a book called “The Surface of Things:  Cinema and Interiority.”  


McMurtry Building, Room 317

Office Hours

On leave 2023-2024. Office hours by appointment only.

Research Interests