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Usha Iyer awarded global issue course innovation grants

Stanford Global Studies has awarded three Stanford faculty members Course Innovation Grants, which support courses that creatively offer ways for students to learn about topics of regional and global importance. 
“Our goal is to engage students with these topics—regardless of their field of study—to better equip them for the global issues they will encounter in their careers beyond Stanford,” says Jeremy Weinstein, director of the Stanford Global Studies Division. 
This year’s Course Innovation Grant recipients include:
Usha Iyer, assistant professor of film and media studies, will lead Global 110: Love in the Time of Cinema. Offered in the fall quarter, it will examine intimate on-screen relationships and how these romances influence our understanding of love. “The course encourages us to view the central cinematic narrative of romantic coupling as a lens to analyze social, political, and economic differences and connections between different cultures,” says Iyer. Through films from countries including Palestine, France, Poland, and India, students will gain a better understanding of how love, marriage, and cinema have become deeply intertwined in the modern world.