Dr. Rose Salseda, Assistant Professor in Art and Art History, is working with alums Susana Barrón (MFA 2023) and Perry Vásquez (BA 1982) on Latinx Art Beyond Museum Walls (LABMW), a research project that explores grassroots and community-centered initiatives that have supported the artwork of Latinas/os/xs—including the murals and wall paintings at Stanford’s El Centro Chicano y Latino, Casa Zapata, and Stern Dining Hall.
Beginning in the early 1970s, Latina/o/x students, staff, and faculty began developing both formal and informal programs on campus to support art production, facilitate artist mentorship and networking, and build collections of art and archives. While these campus efforts have recognized the importance of Latinx art to the building of cultural pride, education, and social justice movements, most Stanford affiliates—not to mention the public—continue to be unaware of the vibrant legacy. Latinx Art Beyond Museum Walls casts light on how alums, staff, and faculty have made substantial and significant contributions to art history at these untraditional art spaces.
Together, Salseda and Barrón have been working on the first film in a series about this campus history, which will be screened for alums on Saturday, October 26, 2024 at 9:30am as part of the “Classes without Quizzes” program for the Stanford Reunion Homecoming. Salseda also consulted Vásquez on developing new artwork to accompany the film and continue the legacy of artmaking that it features. In preparation for the new work, Vásquez visited campus in August to meet with Salseda, Barrón, El Centro staff, and community stakeholders, including Gina Hernandez (BA 1989), a project consult and the Director of Community Engaged Learning at the Institute for Diversity in the Arts. Vásquez also participated in a mural tour, led by Salseda, Hernandez, and Barrón, and conducted research in Special Collections at Green Library where he reencountered his 1978 commissioned cover for Vórtice, a journal for the Department of Spanish and Portuguese.
Through their commitment, Dr. Salseda, Susana Barrón, Perry Vásquez, and their community partners are weaving together past and present, creating a lasting tribute to the cultural impact of Latinx artists on campus.