Art History and Film & Media Studies Honors Thesis Presentations

Fri June 3rd 2022, 5:00 - 6:30pm
Event Sponsor
Department of Art & Art History
McMurtry Building355 Roth Way, Stanford, CA 94305Oshman Hall

Please join us for presentations from the Art History and Film & Media Studies undergraduate honors cohort of 2021-22. Students will share substantive ideas from their theses and take questions from the audience. Come welcome these exceptional undergraduate thinkers into our scholarly community. 

Featured theses include:

 Unburying the Paige Collection: Tourism and Collecting Across the United States-Mexico Border by Isabel Benak

 A(n)esthetic Capability: Keats, Goya, and a Romantic Theory of Repose by Jackson Doyle

 Pockets of Becoming: The Photography of Mary Tape, Lai Yong, and Frank Jue by Ekalan Hou

 Friday, June 3 from 5-6:30pm